No Spaces Available - Fully booked


No Spaces Available - Fully booked 〰️


You’re here because you’re ready to have the right systems & support in place for your next level of biz, but you also want it to be a hands off experience, and work with someone who has done it before for other busy & successful entrepreneurs.

In need of some magic and relief?

I tend to double dip as a VA and OBM (Online Business Manager). What that means is I can help you get the busy work DONE, audit your business processes, and help you manage projects. That way you can get back to doing what you do best, your business!

Picture this as your new reality:

  • Enjoy taking Fridays (or any other day) off because you can rest in the fact that your tasks are handled and projects are moving along

  • Keep feeling in a good mood throughout your work day because there are no annoying or time consuming tasks on your plate! AND there’s no need for you to constantly get involved. Bottlenecks be gone! 🪄

  • Lessen the need to constantly think of tasks to give your VA/OBM. As someone who has worked with a variety of entrepreneurs, the last thing you need to add to your plate is ‘think of tasks to give Kathleen’. It’s so much easier when the one you hire can think for themselves, take initiative, offer suggestions, recommendations, along with well researched opinions!

Allow me to put a spell on your biz by contacting me and choosing from the offers below!



Spellbound Systems*

Customer Relationship Management System (CRM):

  • Setting up your business for growth by automation. Contains a recorded live tutorial video and SOP documents.

  • Solo Biz: $2,900 CAD/ $2,095 USD

  • Biz with a team: $3,900 CAD/ $2,815 USD

👉 Check out this post to compare CRM systems!

Bewitching Email Marketing Setup*

  • Building a 4 part nurture sequence that engages your ideal clients. Includes writing emails, setting up triggers, sign up forms, and updating email lists/tagging.

  • Perfect for e-commerce businesses, coaching programs, virtual summits, and much more!

  • Starting from $1,900 CAD/ $1,372 USD

Charmed Online Course/Store Setup*

  • Module and lesson setup and/or creation, sales & checkout pages set up, uploading of videos and docs.

  • Starting from $1,900 CAD/ $1,372 USD

*Can be combined with VA/OBM Hourly Enchantments.

Hourly Packages

VA/OBM Hourly Enchantments:

  • Copywriting: Email newsletter, email sequence, social media captions, website copy, blog posts, articles, etc.

  • Admin & Biz Docs: Data entry, contract sending, invoice submission, light website updates

  • Influencer Management: Research, emailing, coordinating product for review, organizing giveaways, providing coupon codes, reposting on social media.

  • Pitching: Research, pitching & tracking of podcast guest or speakers, customer service & follow ups.

  • System & course updates and maintenance: Updates to existing CRM, adding/removing materials from courses, and recommending/researching new options.

  • Assisting with hiring: screening applicants, putting CVs on Canva, communicating with hiring managers and applicants, tracking statuses, and more.

  • Project management: Reviewing deadlines, setting up and overseeing a project management system (Asana, Trello, Click Up, Notion), distributing materials, checking in with various contractors, sending progress reports to clients, and more.

Buy a monthly package of hours such as:

  • 10 hours/month for $600 CAD/ $438 USD

  • 20+ hours/month for $1,100CAD+/ $730 USD+

All Canadian prices will have GST at 5% added on.

All US dollar prices are NOT subject to taxation as I’m based in Canada, but will have 4% Stripe processing fee added on.